Reasonable Energy Abundant and Affordable Energy for Cascadia


A piggy bank placed on a solar panel at sunset, symbolizing savings through renewable energy, sustainability, and eco-friendly investments.

Staggering Cost of a Wind and Solar Future in the Pacific Northwest

Some academics claim that the U.S. can end reliance on fossil fuels by electrifying most everything — cars, trucks, space and water heat, etc. — and supply the needed electricity solely with wind, solar and hydroelectric energy, without increasing costs. But our study of the cost of doing so just for Oregon and Washington state shows this belief to be a fantasy. Read More ›
Before sunrise solar power plants

Do Green Energy Subsidies Work?

Like the Jeopardy! game show, green energy subsidies have been Congress’ answer to every energy policy question. The first OPEC oil embargo of 1973-74 catalyzed decades of energy policy, including the formation of the Department of Energy. Wind, solar, and hydropower subsidies began in earnest with the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978. Similarly, subsidies for corn-based ethanol were enacted as part of the National Energy Conservation Policy Act of 1978. Both were designed to reduce the country’s dependence on Middle East oil. The PURPA subsidies set off a race by independent developers to construct small generating plants whose output electric utilities were required to purchase at administratively set prices. In some cases, the subsidies were independent of how much Read More ›

High voltage electricity tower sky sunset landscape,industrial background.

Electrification Without the Infrastructure

As state and federal policies mandate the electrification of virtually all end uses to reduce carbon emissions from fossil fuels. For example, 18 states have adopted California’s Advanced Clear Car II rules requiring increasing percentages of new vehicle sales to be EVs, reaching 100% for the 2035 model year. In 2019, New York City enacted Local Law 97, which requires all residential buildings larger than 25,000 square feet to convert to electricity by 2035. Other states, such as New Jersey seek to convert all residential heating to electricity. Together, mandates for electric vehicles (EVs) and electrification of space and water heat will likely double electricity consumption and peak demand. Coupled with policies that mandate supplying the nation’s electricity with zero-emissions resources, notably intermittent Read More ›

Harmful emissions into the atmosphere causing global warming.

The Shakedown That Is Vermont’s New Climate Superfund Law

Long viewed as a playground for environmentalists, Vermont has jumped the climate change shark with its new Climate Superfund law. If not halted by judges who reject its dubious legal basis, this shark promises to deliver a severe blow to the state’s economy that will harm the “ordinary Vermonters” proponents claim the law will help. The new law is modeled after the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, which created a “Superfund” to clean up hazardous waste sites. Under the original Superfund law, companies and any predecessors that dumped hazardous wastes are required to pay the actual cleanup costs for those sites.  In contrast, under the Vermont law, U.S. fossil fuel producers and their successors — companies Read More ›

A man is reading an e-book on the shore of a forest lake at sunset in the evening.
A man is reading an e-book on the shore of a forest lake at sunset in the evening.
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Former Discovery Chapman Fellow Publishes “The Conservative Environmentalist”

Bruce Chapman, Cofounder of Discovery Institute, recalls that Benji Backer was a Chapman Fellow just a few years ago. "His ideas have merit," says Chapman. "Put him in charge of the EPA!" Read More ›